Sunday Miscellany

1) I finally was able to finish watching Hamilton this afternoon, and while I’m glad duels have gone out of style, were they to ever come back this will be the week. Good gracious me.

2) Today we started transitioning Miss O from her toddler bed to a twin bed, starting with the twin mattress on the floor (because I knew all too well she would use it as a trampoline). We put on the new mermaid sheets that she picked out at Target, plus the quilt my dad’s mother made me when I was in high school. So grateful to have things like this to pass down.

3) There was a flock of junco’s on our lawn this morning. I feel like they normally don’t show up until December, and I am slightly alarmed we are in for a harder winter than usual.

4) We also started cleaning out our playroom, which has been an unmitigated disaster for months, and has to be sorted before Christmas. I cleaned out one corner, only for Miss O to immediately plop down and strew toys across it. I also put away the Halloween books and brought out the Thanksgiving books. I have no idea what the holidays will look like this year, but I’m trying to keep some rhythm in place for Miss O, even though at her age she is pretty oblivious. She is, however, OBSESSED with decorations (which she calls “decorins”), and if she had her way the Christmas tree would already be up right now. She’s not going to be happy when the Halloween stuff comes down.

5) I am knitting again! I *almost* finished a baby sweater for one of O’s daycare teachers, but O refused to nap so I still have half a sleeve left, plus sewing on buttons and blocking. I really wanted to sew patchwork this weekend but between Halloween and no naps, it didn’t happen.

6) We actually had a great Halloween! Our neighborhood has tons of kids and we devised a plan where we put tables at the end of our driveway with pre-bagged goodies. It worked so well that honestly I plan on doing it in the future as well – I didn’t have to stay behind and hand out candy, and the cats weren’t hiding under the furniture from the doorbell constantly ringing. Miss O insisted on wearing her costume from last year, which thankfully still fit her, though I had a princess dress stashed in the trunk of my car in case she changed her mind at the last minute. Santa will leave it for Christmas instead.

7) In six months I turn 50. I just…can’t.

About Lori Allen Writes

Lori is plotting to take over the world one essay, one quilt, and one hand knit sock at a time.
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3 Responses to Sunday Miscellany

  1. Anonymous says:

    I so love your writing!

  2. Pat. says:

    I mean I so love your writing!

  3. Pat Laramee says:

    Anonymous was a woman!

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